France 2 Euro 2021 '75 years UNICEF' Coincard

France has issued a 2 Euro coin, mounted in a Coincard, with the theme '75 years UNICEF' - (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) also... Read more
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Additional Information

Theme Unicef
Worth 2 euro
Metal Koper-nikkel-messing
Country France
Quality BU
Circulation 10.000
Year 2021
Weight 8,5 gram
Diameter 25,75
Category Coincards

Product Description

France has issued a 2 Euro coin, mounted in a Coincard, with the theme '75 years UNICEF' - (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) also known as the United Nations Children's Fund. UNICEF is an organization within the United Nations that works for the rights and welfare of children around the world. The most important rule that UNICEF applies is 'every country respects the rights of children and every country respects them'. UNICEF helps children living in poverty and violence and ensures that children can attend school and that they can be vaccinated. On the face of the coin are two children's hands that put the earth together like jigsaw puzzle pieces. Help and hands are offered to all those little hands that need it. Furthermore, a part of the UNICEF logo is shown along with the text '75 ANS' (75 years). The coin is mounted in a beautiful Coincard.