Buying coins in our online store

On this page we would like to show you how easy it is to place an order in our online store. Every step in the ordering process is explained here.

Your shopping cart

When you have found the product you would like to order, you place it in your shopping cart by clicking ‘shopping cart’. When you do so, two different options will appear on your screen. You can choose to continue shopping, or you can proceed and place your order.

At the top of our website, on the right side, you will see the ‘shopping cart’ icon. At any moment, you will be able to see the contents of your cart by clicking on it. If you haven’t finalized your order yet, it is still possible to remove or add certain items.

The ordering process in 5 simple steps

To make sure you receive your items on time, follow the 5 steps in the ordering process so we are provided with the following records:

Login Account

1: Billing address;
2: Delivery address;
3: Shipping method;
4: Payment method;
5: Checking your order.

After you’ve checked and placed your order, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. We will do our best to deliver the products within 24 hours. If you have an account, you can use it to check the (delivery) status of your order.

Login to your account

There are three ways to place your order. You can login to your account and all known records will be used. This contains not only your address, but for example also your wish list and order status. If you don’t have an account yet, it’s also possible to create one during the ordering process. When you do this, your records will be saved for a future order. Of course, you can also place your order without (creating) an account.

Want to create an account now?





Shipping method and costs

The shipping method and costs depend on the type of package ( size) we are sending to you, and of course the country it has to be sent to:

         Other EU countries   World
From € 0,01  till  € 10,00  € 5,95 € 20,00
From € 10,00  till  € 25,00 € 8,95 € 20,00
and more € 35,00 € 19,95  € 20,00

Payment methods

The payment methods you can use, depend on the costs of your order. iDeal, Giropay, Bankcontact are available when you place an order worth 2,50 euros or more and PayPal order worth 65 euros or more. At Eurocoinhouse you can also opt for payment in advance via bank transfer. Do you have any questions about payment or purchasing coins in our online store? Contact us!

ideal GiroPay Bancontact PayPal Banktransfer